If you live in Baton Rouge, New Orleans or anywhere in southern Louisiana, do you REALLY need to winterize your home?
After all, there’s a good chance you’ll be in shorts at Christmas and maybe even running the AC if you also want a fire!
It’s easy to see how you might think that, but you’d be wrong.
In fact, by NOT weatherizing your home you’re spending more than you need to!
When you trust Mr. Green Jeans to weatherize your Baton Rouge or New Orleans home, we can easily fix common problems that cause energy waste and help you save on your monthly energy bill.
Below are three very good reasons that weatherization is important for Southeastern Louisiana homeowners.
- Weatherization Seals Air Leaks in Your Home
No matter how well built your home is, all houses have cracks and crevices.
Your air conditioned air escapes through these holes, causing you to lose that valuable air you are paying to cool to survive these hot Southeastern Louisiana summers.
Weatherizing your home ensures that only the proper, minimal amount of air escapes your home, keeping the air you’ve cooled with your AC unit in your home and away from your attic or the outdoors, where it offers no use to you.
- AC Unit Ducts Almost Always Have Some Failures
AC units are meant to last several years. But, portions of it, including the ducts, deteriorate over time, meaning the cool air you are paying for escapes into the attic or underneath your home – wherever your duct unit is located.
By weatherizing your Baton Rouge or New Orleans home, Mr. Green Jeans focuses on ductwork, looking for and fixing leaks so that the air you are cooling stays in your interior living areas – right where you want it.
- Weatherizing Your Home Helps Save on Energy Costs
When you have air or duct leaks, you’re pumping cooled down air outside, underneath your home, or into your attic.
What a waste!
Not only that, but because the cool air you want in your living areas is escaping, you’re actually overworking your AC unit, meaning you have a higher electricity bill and are risking a shorter lifetime for the air conditioner.
By weatherizing your home, you can immediately recoup savings on your energy bill, and may even be able to extend the life of your AC unit by not overworking it. What a benefit!
If you’re blasting your AC in the hot Southeastern Louisiana months, or have electricity bills that shock your checkbook, you should look to Mr. Green Jeans to weatherize your home. Schedule an appointment online, or get your weatherization questions answered today by calling (225) 644-0458 in Baton Rouge, or (504) 754-0075 in New Orleans.